RSS6-ASI Digital ASI/SDI Automatic Switch
The RSS6-ASI station incorporates (6) Automatic A/B switches to monitor independently digital Video feeds in DVB-ASI or SDI format, with automatic switchover to their respective backup feeds. The threshold level at which the unit switches to the backup feed can be separately adjusted for each input and automatic switch module in the chassis.
The RSS6-ASI monitors separately the main & backup inputs of each switch module for automatic switching and alarming, designed to prevent automatic switching to the backup input while it is below its Threshold level setting. The RSS6-ASI offers high isolation environment between input ASI feeds and minimal insertion loss. Input & switch status indications are available at the front panel, with toggle for switch override & control.
Ethernet/IP & RS-232 ports are available at the back of the chassis for remote monitoring, alarm & control. While the SNMP protocol is used for alarming to and remote monitor/control by NOC “Network Operation Center” over the IP-Network, an embedded Web-Server allows regional & local technical personal to remotely access (password protected) for status monitoring and switch override/control from a Web-page using any standard Web browser. The Serial port is used with an external modem to override/control the switch by DTMF (phone) switch control commands over telephone dial-up line.
Optional back-chassis (contact closure) terminal connections are available to interface with existing Monitor-n-Control systems at the remote site to pass monitoring & alarm conditions, and allow remote switch override & control of each switch in the chassis.
Remote control functions over the IP-Network include commands to disable automatic-return, to allow for example technical staff to resolve an intermittent problem before returning to normal automatic switch operation. Monitoring backup input feed can also be set for alarming only, thus preventing it from affecting the automatic switch operation.
Tekron Communication manufactures a complete line of automatic switching RSS products for the Redundancy & Monitoring of CATV RF-Broadband & LNB/L-Band feeds, analog Video & audio/4.5 or RF channels in disaster recovery applications. Some models are suitable and also in use for community (PEG) channel automation/sharing or redundancy applications.
Special Features:
- Fail-safe during power loss: When power loss occurs, the RSS-2ASI switches back or remain in the
primary position to pass the main input ASI/SDI feed.
- Threshold adjustment: Separate front panel adjusting pot available for each input.
- Hysteresis: 2-3dB built-in Hysteresis to prevent flutter during automatic switching.
- Switch delay: An optional fixed delay can be added, before automatic switching to the backup input,
after the RF dropped below the threshold level setting.
Tekron Communication is dedicated to work with Cable Television and Broadcast system operators to provide new solutions to their changing needs
Band CATV Band Return Band Analog Source L-Band CATV Band Return Band